Advertiser Signup

Advertiser Benefits

Branding & Performance

No set-up fees; easy sign-up and implementation
Pricing Models

Fast results - get your campaign live immediately
Anti-Fraud System

You are safe, Our system detects repeat callers, callers with no buying intent and conversion-fraud detection mechanisms
Reporting & Statistics
You get full access to all available statistics and reporting on our mutual projects. Thus, you can trust us with data transparency and see the real picture of your campaign performance. Every call is recorded for you to review at a later time.
Pay for calls that convert
You pay only for calls that meet the conversion metrics- all can be viewed within your dashboard
High Quality Traffic
Reach your most relevant target audience by setting parameters such as call duration, geo-location, and more. We offer the latest in targeting capabilities to reach the right audience
Maximum Exposure
In order for an offer to be successful, it must reach out to as many potential customers as possible. Revenue Vault works closely with Affiliates to ensure you receive a high volume of calls as this dramatically increases your ROI

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